วันจันทร์ที่ 8 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Friend's Link
1.ด.ช.ฉัตรพงษ์ โชติวัชรินทร์
6.ด.ช.ธนธรณ์ วิวัฒน์ภาสวร
8.ด.ช.นนทกานต์ โพธิ์ศรี
11.ด.ช.พัลลภ สะมะ
12.ด.ช.ภูมิเดช เสร็จกิจ
13.ด.ช.สหรัฐ อ่อนดำ
20.ด.ญ.กานต์ธิดา พิทักษ์ภราดร
21.ด.ญ.ชนัญชิดา ศรีขจรวุฒิศักดิ์
23.ด.ญ.ณัฐณิชา เผ่าพงษ์จันทร์
26.ด.ญ.นภกมล เพ็งสุวรรณ
27.ด.ญ.นลินี สมบรูณ์
29.ด.ญ.บุญยานุช วงษ์นามใหม่
34.ด.ญ.วนิดา ระโหฐาน
36.ด.ญ.ศิริกัญญา ผิวอ่อน
39.ด.ญ.หัทยา มาลัยเจริญ
41.ด.ญ.อังควิภา บัวเงิน
42.ด.ญ.อินทิรา อินทนะ
43.ด.ญ.อุษณีย์ ชาติทอง

My school

On the occasion of the happiness agenda that King Bhumibol Adulyadej went Twanl crowned on the throne at 50 years old on June 9, 2539 the Ministry of Education. By the Department of Education. The Ministry of Education has to remember the grace of God to the people of Thailand are immeasurably his subjects, and he realized the importance of education in the development of the individual. And nations to grow effectively. Royal duties of his works reflect. That he committed. Heart to promote. Cultural studies. To students and youth of the nation. The population. His growth as a citizen of a great nation in the future with a government of those days. To accelerate the expansion of educational opportunities. To children and young people receive education in secondary school. Throughout the central and provincial The policy is to spread prosperity to the region to more.
With his sense of divine grace. Department of Education recognizes that the schools Ppr.
College, a school in the patronage of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej
.With his sense of divine grace. Department of Education recognizes that the schools Ppr.
College, a school in the patronage of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the agreed project establishing the school. Ppr. Royal colleges. In various educational fields to King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Bhumibol Adulyadej. On the occasion that I went Twanl ascend the throne after 50 years.
And built Kachanapisekwittayalai High school ninth place is

1. Kachanapisekwittayalai suphanburi
2. Kachanapisekwittayalai Surat Thani
3. Kachanapisekwittayalai Krabi
4. Kachanapisekwittayalai Uthai Thani
5. Kachanapisekwittayalai Phetchabun
6. Kachanapisekwittayalai Kalasin
7. Kachanapisekwittayalai Chaiyaphum
8. Kachanapisekwittayalai Chachoengsao.
9. Kachanapisekwittayalai Nakhon Pathom

My Profine

My Profine

My name is    Nutsuda Pollasan
I'm 13 years old . I Study at M. 2/5
My birthsday is 22 October 1999. Blood Group :B
House number  162/1    District : Wang Wa
Prefecture :  Sriprajun    Province : Suphanburi
Postal code : 71170

This is Bluffalo Home. Have Bluffalo many.
My favourite attractions: Korea (เกาหลี)

This is Korea.

                                                   My favourite food : Fried rice